Our Mission

The Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation enables the people of the Eyre Peninsula to proactively contribute to the long term benefit of our region by building community capacity, addressing local needs through charitable grant-making and encouraging philanthropy.

Funds & Grants

We offer named funds in honor of someone, themed funds directed to specific areas of the community and various forms of grants.

Book Bazaar

The Book Bazaar was established in Port Lincoln in 2013 as an ongoing fundraising arm of the Foundation.

Back To School Vouchers

The Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation has been delivering Back to School Vouchers in the region since 2009


The EPCF relies on the support of individuals & companies who have a desire to support their local EP community.

“I found being the recipient of a Tertiary Scholarship in 2017 was extremely helpful in allowing me to access all the textbooks and resources needed to undertake my degree for that semester. It helped reduce some of the financial stress associated with being away from home and reduced working hours as I was attending University full-time. I felt I was able to truly immerse myself within my degree due to the help of having received the scholarship. Thank you to the Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation for supporting this scholarship”


“I am now in my final semester of my degree and still fondly remember how much the Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation scholarship helped me with the transition to Adelaide and University. The funds received allowed me to invest into my studies and wellbeing and the service provided from your team was excellent. Four years later, with a degree almost under my belt, I could not be more grateful to be one of the scholarship recipients.”


Snapshot of Annual Report

Latest news and information from the foundation.

This is a vast area stretching from the Gawler Ranges in the north to Port Lincoln in the south and from Spencer Gulf in the east to the border of South Australia and Western Australia. This region encompasses the Cities of Port Lincoln and Whyalla, District Councils of Ceduna, Cleve, Elliston, Franklin Harbour, Kimba, Lower Eyre Peninsula, Streaky Bay, Tumby Bay and Wudinna, and part of the region that is serviced by the Outback Communities Authority.

The area we cover

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